Friday, March 25, 2011


I just wanted to post a little update with some very good news that I got from my bone marrow is CLEAR! No bone marrow involvement, which is great news! If there had been, this would have changed my staging and treatment plan, likely prolonging it. 

Other than that, everything else is pretty much the same as last post. Major fatigue, weakness, and soreness. Slightly new side effects like my teeth and gums are very sensitive and tender. I have had to switch from my electric toothbrush to a soft bristle toothbrush, and am using Sensodyne toothpaste. Also, I have had some horrible pain in my neck and shoulder, which can be a side effect of chemo. My appetite has been a little different. I will crave something that I would normally want, and then when I go to eat it, I find it undesirable. Weird. But for the most part, I have not had a major change in appetite. I have been trying to eat/drink a ton more protein then I normally would, since I was told that it is very important to load up on protein during chemo. 

My hair is still here...I have read and heard so many times that the hair loss part represents the chemo actually working and doing it's job...killing cells. So now I am really looking forward to seeing some fall out...who would have thought?! I have read that it will take a few weeks from the first treatment.

And the sensitive, irritated skin issue I was having last week, I have seemed to resolve (for the most part) with Aveeno products! They work great! I have used the Aveeno soothing bath treatment (oatmeal), and the daily moisturizing lotion. For my face, my sister hooked me up with some awesome Image Skincare products! I have been using their Ormedic line, since it is all organic seems to make a difference in my skin and the way it looks, which is great. My next chemo is already next week (March 31st)...a little nervous about this second one, but all I can do is try and prepare the best I can for it. 


  1. Yay for negative marrow bx!!! And the next chemotherapy treatment will go just fine. Hang in there

  2. Mantle cell lymphoma is a subtype of B-cell or B-Lymphocyte lymphoma categorized under Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. This type of lymphoma is due to a malignant transformation of the B-cells. These B-cells are part of the immune system and responsible for destroying microorganisms that invade the body. The disease got its name for the malignant B-cells are often found in the mantle zone of the lymph node. Under morphological studies, this would present as a non-aggressive type of lymphoma. However, mantle cell lymphoma is an aggressive type of B-cell lymphoma and the malignancy can spread quickly in the body. List of Hospital in Thailand offering lymph nodes cancer
