Friday, August 5, 2011

SCANic Attack

I have my first PET Scan tomorrow since starting chemo, and I am freaking out a little bit. It seems that most people have a scan at their halfway point with chemo to check their progress and make sure that they are responding well to chemo, but for some reason my Doctor didn't think one would be necessary, so this will be my first since finishing all of my 8 chemo treatments. I have been a little more on edge lately, and my mind only seems to be thinking about those scan results. I constantly play out different scenarios in my head of my Doctor saying that the chemo didn't work, or saying that it did work but I need more because the tumor is still partially there, or everything is clear (which is what I'm hoping for). I am hoping that in the future when I get scanned I am less of a stress case. I've been told that with each clear scan, they get a little easier. But as you can imagine, I am just completely anxious because I have done all of that chemo, and really have no idea whether it worked or not. I know I ask for a lot of good thoughts and prayers, but please send them my way once again for clear PET Scan results! Thank you so much! 


  1. I'll be thinking about you Steph! I know it's hard to do so, but try to relax and worry about it when the results come back! :) I get so sickly feeling if I get too stressed, so try to take it easy! :) It's amazing what those drugs can do, I did a PET after my 4th one and it was clear for me! I didn't expect a clear result, just that maybe my tumor had shrank, but it shrank AND was not metabolically active. Wishing you the best for your scan!

    ~ Ashley

  2. Thank you SO much Ashley!! I am really trying to take your advice and just relax and not think too much about it until Monday when I get the results. I hate all of the waiting! That's one of the worst parts. That is so awesome that your scan was clear after the 4th one, that makes me feel a lot better :) Thank you for thinking of me!! :)

  3. Awwwww you're welcome!! That is crazy though they haven't monitored your progress at all, but they do say that Hodgkin's is one of the most predictable ones. My sign (before I had the PET scan) that the chemo was working was I stopped eating 5 large meals a day and went back to almost a normal caloric intake for myself (I'm studying nutrition at my school so I notice these things lol.) But it cracked me up, when my Dr. told me that big mass of mine was not metabolically active, I was like "ohhhhh haha that explains a lot!" lol.

    ~ Ashley
